Annapolis Flyer Cab

Don’t Chance a DUI — It’s Not Worth It

Don’t Chance a DUI

Whenever you are heading out for a night on the town, don’t chance a DUI…it is not worth it! If you are charged with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence), it is one of the most challenging situations a driver can face and you will definitely need a DUI Lawyer to help you get the best possible outcome. It jeopardizes driving privileges while burdening you and your family with hefty fines, court costs, and legal fees. The risks involved are not worth it. If you need further convincing, we have the breakdown of all the DUI offense penalties. If you are needing further DUI information, you can visit a website like this. Your blood alcohol content (BAC) need only register at a .08% to be charged with driving under the influence. If you feel that you have a problem with alcohol or drug abuse then it would be best to seek the proper treatment for this (you could check out this resource), in order to get back on the right path and avoid getting DUI suspensions. Because in addition to the .08% causing you to be charged with a DUI, did you also know that if your BAC is .07% you can be charged with Driving While Impaired (DWI)? Here are the charges for 1st – 2nd – and 3rd-time offenses.

1st Offense DUI Penalties

Getting pulled over by the authorities is every driver’s fear. Getting pulled over while under the influence can be a nightmare, so it helps to have a lawyer who specializes in dui law in Springfield IL or your local area. If you are convicted of a first DUI, with no prior DUI or DWI charges, potential penalties could include:

1st Offense DWI Penalties

While DWI is less severe than a DUI, the potential penalties are still severe. Penalties for a first time DWI include:

2nd DUI Penalties

2nd Offense DUI Penalties
DUI and DWI consequences become more severe if you have been previously convicted at any time over the past five years. At that point, you are you will be considered a repeat offender. The DUI penalties listed by the MVA for repeat offenders include the following:

3rd DUI Penalties

4th DUI Penalties

Under Maryland law, a fourth DUI in under five years is subject to the same penalties as a third DUI. However, at this time, a judge is more likely to impose the maximum sentence. Plus there are additional wait times for reinstatement of your license.

5th DUI Penalties

If you are facing your fifth DUI, it is more than likely that in addition to the penalties listed above, you will also face charges of driving without a license.

Penalties for driving under a revoked license in Maryland include:

The consequences of driving under a revoked license go up with each offense. Further, the number of fines and jail time is in addition to your other DUI consequences and penalties.

There Are Options!

While these penalties may seem frightening, there is a way to avoid them altogether, especially knowing that the majority of them will need the knowledge and expertise of a local dui attorney to help make sure that you receive the lightest sentence that is available. Don’t take the risk. Don’t chance a DUI… hire Annapolis Flyer Cab. We offer the most convenient and reliable car service in the Annapolis Area. Never worry about having fun while having a night on the town. Annapolis Flyer Cab can get you where you need to go safe and sound. Never get behind the wheel even after a couple of drinks. You might think you feel fine, but the law will prove otherwise! Contact Annapolis Flyer Cab to learn about our services and to book your reservation today. Don’t chance a DUI – It’s not worth it!